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Sunday, May 17, 2020

Make Any Android Look Like Iphone Latest 2020 Trick

Hello, guys if you are ever wished to have an iPhone but don't have enough money to purchase one, or have any other issue in purchasing a brand new iPhone then today's topic is for you.

Hope you all are fine and enjoying life in today's topic I am going to show how you can exactly make your old android phone to look like an iPhone this is a working method in almost all android phones and feels like having an iPhone.

Method Number 1:

The first method I am to tell you is to change your android os to ios, and for this, you have to download the ios package for your android system and install it to your android phone but this method is still having many problems and not installed on every phone but down below I am going to explain the method if anyone wants to try this out but this method is not my recommended method and your phone have a risk of getting damaged or dead so try this method at your own risk........

Thing You Should Have In Your Android:

  1. TWRP recovery mode install on your android phone this is compulsory for converting to ios.
  2. Have any SD card of minimum 8GB memory.

Steps To Follow:

Pic 2
  1. First of all go straight to Google and download the IOS Rom for your android phone and download the rom for your model from any website you prefer.
  2. Save this rom in your SD card.
  3. Make a Backup of Your Data before getting started.
  4. Now boot your phone in Recovery mode for this Power off the phone and then press volume down/up and power button and hold both until it starts in recovery mode...see pic 2 above
  5. Now Down to fourth option using volume down button and on "Apply update from sd card" press power button.
  6. Now this will show you sd card files and locate the Rom you downloaded for your android and press button power on it.
  7. The Process will Start Automatically wait for it to complete and starts your android phone after some time with IOS in it.
Note: I am not recommending this method my suggestion is the second method which is safe.

Method 2 (Recommended Method):

So in this method, we are going to change our launcher in order to make it feels like iPhone.
Pic 3
In the above pic, you see the android and iPhone now its time to convert to iPhone so for that you have download the launcher don't worry I am providing you the link down below download it and follow the instruction.

Download Link For Launcher:

Download the launcher install it and enjoy you can also install Touch assistant, iPhone messaging app, iPhone notification in this launcher and this is totally free.

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